Development of manufacturing

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2016-06-06      Origin: Site

Machinery industry in China is growing very fast, but the casting industry is the basis for the development of the machinery industry, development is very rapid, but extensive growth remains a serious problem exists in the industry, but also the development of the industry a great resistance .
Some time ago in Beijing at the 14th China International Foundry Fair. Also held on China Foundry Association's annual meeting and cast the first Global Forum, attended the meeting for the foundry industry in hot and difficult personnel issues were discussed. "Twelve Five" period, the machinery industry big development in China, while the development of the world manufacturing industry also played a facilitating role.
Development of manufacturing
Entering the new century, the global economic situation are in a state of complex and varied, but the overall economic situation of our country is still ranked second in the world, our country has entered the machine to the world industrial powers. "Twelve Five" period, China's machinery industry the main business income from 2011 to 2015 by 13.96 trillion yuan to 22.98 trillion yuan, an average annual increase of 10.48%; total profit of 1.17 trillion yuan by the increased 16000 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 6.45%; 8.51% of the total annual export growth; automotive, power generation equipment, numerical control machine tools, large and medium tractors and other major products for many years ranked first in the world, is also on the world stage manufacturing development It has become a bright spot.
Development of manufacturing
Following in the footsteps of the overall development of the industry, an important support for the development of China's machinery industry basic industry the foundry industry, progress is very obvious. "Twelve Five" period, the industry average annual growth rate of 2.86%, yield 45 million tons, ranking first in the world for many years. At the same time, the concept of green development of the industry continues to deepen, has greatly improved the quality of products, production concentration and the level of technology and equipment, a more reasonable industrial layout, and made outstanding contributions to China's equipment manufacturing industry development of. But we should also see extensive growth problems are more prominent such as industry overcapacity backward, unstable product quality, lack of well-known brands, etc., should be promptly addressed.
Development of manufacturing
This year is China's national economy "Thirteen Five" the first year, but also the development of machinery industry shift key year. In accordance with the "Made in China 2025" strategy and the powerful "Thirteen Five" development plan requirements, innovation, coordination, green, open, sharing is China's machinery industry to adhere to the concept of development, adhere to innovation-driven, intelligent transformation of green development, by steady growth, structural adjustment, fill the short board, promoting integration, strong strength, so the industry to enhance the quality and speed up, speed up the pace of entering the high-end of the industry, from large to strong. Wherein the casting industry to achieve healthy and sustainable development of the significant and long way to go.
Development of manufacturing
Held the first Global Forum on casting coincides with the 30th anniversary of China Foundry Association, the forum "Modern Industrial Revolution in the casting industry" as the theme to carry out research, focusing on the development of the industry in hot and difficult issues were targeted discussions according to the form and direction of development of the industry in the world, for digital manufacturing, intelligent, firmly grasp the development trend of green, global the foundry industry resource integration, technological innovation, production cooperation and market development will be subject to the promotion.

  • Q Are you a manufacturer or a trader?

    We have our own foundry ,forging factory and machinery shop located in Liaoning Province, China.
  • Q What can you do for customer?

    One Stop Service
    1).Manufacturing and supply various machinery parts.
    2). Technical analysis and design 
    3).Factory audit, on-site production supervision, in-time feedback, pre-shipment quality inspection
  • Q How could you commit the product quality?

    1) all our factories were ISO certified. 
    2) more than 50% of New Densen’s products were sold to worldwide top 500 companies 
    which located in North American, Western Europe, and Japan.
    3) New Densen’s QC engineers will do on-site supervision and before EX-work quality inspection. New Densen will issue inspection reports for customers’ approval before EX-work. New Densen will be responsible for its reports and every parts no matter how long sold to customers.
  • Q How long shall we get the quotation?

    Processing time for inquiry: 1-3 working days.
  • Q What's the process of developing a new steel casting product?

    The procedure for new project develop as below:
    1. Technical department analyze the drawings all details 
    2.Pattern design and manufacture
    3.Casting Process
    4.Quality Control inspect the casting parts
    5.Issue inspection report for customer to check quality
    6. After inspection report approved, Logistics Department help arrange the shipping to customer